
Smart Counting

Automatic Pig Counter

Using a camera in a corridor, smaRt Counting counts pigs of all sizes and colors with a 99.9% guaranteed accuracy.

  • NEW ERA for smaRt Counting! Now running on the new Ro-Main Edge Intelligence Platform (EIP) and available as a subscription service.

  • Never pay again for a pig you did not receive

  • Be paid for all the pigs that you deliver

  • Have more time for what matters the most: your animals

  • 100,000+ pigs counted automatically each day... and counting!

  • NEW ERA for smaRt Counting! Now running on the new Ro-Main Edge Intelligence Platform (EIP) and available as a subscription service.

  • Never pay again for a pig you did not receive

  • Be paid for all the pigs that you deliver

  • Have more time for what matters the most: your animals

  • 100,000+ pigs counted automatically each day... and counting!

Counting pigs manually…

  • $ $ $

    Causes some 0.5%-1% revenue losses to the average pig producer, yet most producers are unaware of the severity of their miscounting rate.

  • Creates disagreements between pig sellers and buyers.

  • Makes you spend time on low added-value tasks. Just think about how often you need to recount your pigs to confirm your number.

Automate the counting of your pigs

  • Minimize your losses by paying/getting paid for the right number of pigs.

  • Save time and focus on what really matters: your pigs and your business.

  • Have a video proof of your pig counting sessions to share with your clients and suppliers as a transparency tool.

  • Have peace of mind that the pig counter will be reliable no matter the day of the week or the period of the year.

How it works

smaRt Counting uses a camera to count pigs of all sizes and colors with a guaranteed minimum accuracy of 99.9%. Pigs are counted or discounted depending on the direction in which they move through an alleyway, and humans are not counted. The pig counter can be started and stopped by pressing a button and the result is available in real time on the hardware or on any device (smartphone, tablet, computer) via an intuitive web application.

The new and robust Edge Intelligence Platform (EIP) on which the smaRt Counting software runs allows to permanently install the hardware directly in the barn or to move it from one barn to the other, if required. The Ro-Main EI Platform is the world’s first edge computing hardware that makes artificial vision possible in the extreme conditions of a pig barn (IP67).

Download the brochure

Watch smart Counting in action

Benefits and advantages

  • Real-time pig counting

    Watch your number increase as pigs cross the counting zone.

  • Simple to use

    Start counting your pigs with the push of a button.

  • Reliable

    Don’t bother recounting your pigs, smaRt Counting has you covered.

  • Proven

    On the market since 2018, smaRt Counting counts over 100 000 pigs each day in the world.

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