No Backdraft
Fan backdraft control system

Do you compromise?
Improper fan backdraft solution puts your air filtration investment at risk.
All available fan backdraft solutions involve high building construction costs and/or compromising airtightness.
Fan louvers and air chutes significantly reduce the performance of ventilation systems and accelerate wear of fan motors.

Make no compromise with the best fan backdraft control system

No BackDraft is the most efficient fan backdraft control system for any air-filtered barn. It features a simple, robust, and ingenious automatic close/open mechanism that allows complete airtightness without compromising fan efficiency.
Its patented mechanism keeps the damper open at the required angle to maximize air flow when the fan is running and closes it tight with sustained pressure against a rubber seal when the fan turns off. No Backdraft requires no electricity and works in perfect unison with fan action.

Advantages and benefits